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How to set goals for YouTube and TikTok Channels to grow followers?

Setting goals in different phases of your followers’ growth can help your vlogging be more successful, no matter on YouTube or TikTok. Setting goals for your YouTube and TikTok channels to grow followers involves understanding your current niche, defining clear objectives, and creating actionable plans to achieve them.

When you start to be a video content creator on YouTube and TikTok, posting videos randomly can’t make you succeed unless you are lucky. You need to be passionate about the niche and have a clear goal for your channel.

In this article, we will discuss how to set a goal for your content production and follower growth on YouTube and TikTok.

1. Understand the niche and prepare enough content

To set a goal, it’s very important to understand your niche at the beginning.

If you decide to monetize your YouTube and TikTok channels, it’s a long-term investment of time and energy. No one can succeed overnight on YouTube and TikTok. Therefore, you need to post the content in your niche regularly, ideally daily or several times a week. The people who are passionate about the niche, understand the niche well, and produce high-quality content about the niche will stand out from the competition.

The strategy of understanding your content

  • Content Plan: Post one high-quality video per week, focusing on popular topics within your niche.
  • Engagement: Respond to every comment and ask viewers to subscribe at the end of each video.
  • Promotion: Share videos on social media and participate in relevant online communities (e.g., Reddit, Facebook groups).

2. Set Goal For Content Posting

To succeed on YouTube and TikTok, you always need to post videos consistently and regularly. You have to understand the content inventory. Evaluate the type and number of videos you have posted. Assess the quality of your content, including video production, editing, and presentation. That’s not an easy job. Once you prepare enough content for your niche, you can schedule the posting.

  • Primary goal: Post a video every 3 or 4 days.
  • Advanced goad: Post a video daily

3. Set Goal For Follower Growth

The growth of followers or subscribers mostly depends on the quality of your content. If you produce great content, it’s quick for you to grow your followers and subscribers. you can set a goal as a beginner for follower growth.

Goals for follower growth as beginner:

  • Short-term: Gain 2,000 new followers in the next month.
  • Long-term: Reach 1,0000 followers in three months.

However, not everyone can create unique content. If the content you create is similar to other bloggers, there are also some strategies for you to grow the followers.

Strategies to grow followers

  • Leverage Trends, Stay updated with the latest trends on each platform and incorporate them into your content.
  • Engage with Your Audience, Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create content based on viewer suggestions.
  • Collaborate with Others, Partner with other creators to reach new audiences and grow your follower base.
  • Promote Across Platforms, Share your content on various social media platforms to drive traffic to your YouTube and TikTok channels.
  • Live streams, Live streams make your audience know more about you. You can demonstrate your talent and skill via live streams. That is a good way to grow your followers.


If you are a beginner at vlogging, setting goals for your job can help you grow your followers or subscribers more easily. Randomly posting won’t make you stand out from the competition. To set goals for your vlogging, you have to set goals for your content preparation, schedule the content posting frequency, and use strategies to grow followers and subscribers. So set goals for your vlogging and enjoy it.